Junior (Future) Bronco Day will be on Thursday March 24th @ 2:00pm. 8th graders will come visit the high school. With a parent meeting @ 7pm in the RHS Gym.
Due to anticipated snow overnight and into the day, there will NO SCHOOL on Thursday, March 10. Families, students, and staff: Enjoy your Spring Break! Teachers & Leaders: See you on Friday.
RHS Senior Parents: Attached is the parent letter for the Senior Baby Ad. We have copies in the RHS Office if you need one.
The NHS Induction Ceremony will be on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 @ 6pm in the RHS Cafeteria.
RHS Choir Concert will be on Tuesday March 8 at the RMS Auditorium @ 7pm.
The BOE is holding a special meeting on Tuesday - March 8th at 7:45 a.m. This meeting WILL NOT be live-streamed. Click the link to view the full agenda. https://5il.co/16swr
Jaden Ney wins 3rd Place at 4A - 1A Girls State Wrestling in Salina. Jaden becomes the first RHS Girls Wrestler to place at state. #MakingHistory
The BOE will be meeting in special session on Monday - 2/28/22 beginning at SIMPSON ELEMENTARY at 5:30 p.m. Follow the link to see the full agenda: https://5il.co/166ky This meeting WILL NOT be live streamed since building tours are the main focus of the meeting.
Join us on Thursday, March 3 to find more about the possible merger with WCKSEC. See the image for details.
Bickerdyke Spring Picture Day is tomorrow, February 24th. To order, login at mylifetouch.com. Picture Day ID is EVTTQPNGF
Good Morning Bronco Nation! Today is a big day for RHS Winter Sports as our Boys Wrestling Team competes in Regionals today at Norton and it's Winter Homecoming for RHS Basketball teams!
The BES Science Fair will be held March 23rd - 25th. Any 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students are encouraged to participate. Permission forms and order forms can be obtained from Mrs. Sara Krug at Bickerdyke, and are due back by Friday, February 25th.
Free Dental Services in Hays, March 25-26. See the photo for more details.
Tonight is Senior Night for RHS Basketball, Cheer, Dance, Band, and P.A. Come and cheer our Broncos on!
Good Afternoon Bronco Nation! Here's this week's "Weekly Update" for all things RHS.
Good Afternoon Bronco Nation! The RHS digital online newsletter program is not currently working. When the digital program is back up, we'll push the Weekly Update out like normal.
Here are the RHS activities for this week!
It's Random Acts of Kindness Week. Here are some tips on how you can participate.
In response to student & staff support needs following the loss of our student; schools are following crisis planning. Counselors & support services will be @ schools beginning Monday for students, staff, & families.
RHS Lady Broncos defeat Trego!
Please complete the USD 407 Classified Application on our Employment page: https://www.usd407.org/page/employment-opportunities